Monday, April 26, 2010

50 Sodexo workers on strike at Loyola and Tulane

On Friday, 50 Sodexo workers from Loyola and Tulane walked off their shifts to protest Sodexo's violations of workers' rights.  The workers cited the Unfair Labor Practices they have filed against Sodexo with the National Labor Relations Board including...
  • Firing of Miss Terry Shelly, a vocal supporter of unionization
  • Surveillance of employees while they discuss unionization or speak with union representatives
  • Interrogation and threats from Sodexo management
The National Labor Relations Act protects workers from firings based on strikes over unfair labor practices, so the Sodexo employees cannot be legally terminated for their work stoppage.

Students from Loyola and Tulane arrived on their campuses as early as 5:00 AM to greet workers as they reported to work for their shifts and subsequently joined the picket line.  Students, workers, and union organizers rallied at Tulane and then marched to Loyola's Danna Student Center where they marched through the building waving picket signs, chanting, and encouraging their co-workers to join the strike.  Several workers took off their aprons, donned "Clean Up Sodexo" shirts, and joined the march to Tulane.  The rally moved across Freret Street and in front of Tulane's cafeteria, Bruff Commons.  Students marched into the cafeteria and made a brief loop inside chanting "No Union? No Peace!  No Contract?  No Peace!  No Justice?  No Peace!" before being removed by Tulane police.  The march continued into the Lavin-Bernic Center (LBC).  Police attempted to block the march from entering the food court area but was ultimately thwarted as marchers continued into the area chanting "TIME FOR A WALKOUT." After brief chanting in the seating area, the march moved back outside and in front of Bruff Commons once again.

The workers continued to pull their co-workers into the strike until the end of the business day.  Sodexo resorted to hiring temporary workers (reportedly at $22/hour) to staff the food service areas.  Bruff was reduced to serving pound cake for breakfast because they had no cook staff.

The striking workers ended the day empowered and energized to continue the struggle for equity and justice in their workplace.

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